MEDIA RELEASE: Pacific Blue Health Partners with Priceline to Launch Elementelle Probiotics+
For Immediate Release
Monday 3 May, 2021
Pacific Blue Health Partners with Priceline to Launch Elementelle Probiotics+
Elementelle Probiotics+, an Australian probiotics range, designed to improve the health of millions of Australians, affected by gut health problems, launched in Priceline stores and online today. The range grew from a desire to improve the health of Australians affected by intestinal problems including bloating, flatulence, IBS and general malaise.
The range has been heavily research and sources the finest ingredients with the ultimate goal better gut health. Manufactured in partnership with Pacific Blue Health and South Korea’s largest healthcare company CKD, the range is designed to work in conjunction with exercise and a healthy diet. Australians wake up in the morning and habitually take vitamins repeatedly however, the everyday Australian is still unfamiliar with lactobacillus products. There is currently no other product on the market that incorporates prebiotics with probiotics.
“What sets Elementelle Probiotics+ apart from other probiotics on the market is a unique patented technology that protects the probiotics from being destroyed by stomach acid.” Said John Kim, Managing Director, Pacific Blue Health. “We ensure Elementelle Probiotics+ has optimal potency, combined for the highest efficacy and safety and use pharmaceutical grade ingredients with a focus on sourcing everything from Australia that is also GMO-free and vegan friendly.”
The range is like a super probiotic with a number of guaranteed bacteria significantly increased to 30 billion CFU. In short, it’s prebiotics feeding probiotics that support the lifestyle of the community in Australia’s harsh climate. Lactic acid bacteria dies over time and through the prebiotic and probiotic combination Elementelle helps lactic acid bacteria survive for a long time. According to the Australian Institude of Health and Welfare and a 2018 report, Australian’s rated well globally for health. Areas for improvement however were around obesity and alcohol consumption. Elementelle Probiotics+ will support improving this area of Australian health through education, a shift in thinking and social awareness of lactobacillus products.
Pacific Blue Health clinically tested functional vitamins and mineral nutrients to match the therapeutic condition. As such, premium raw materials, ensure a premium product that users will feel the benefit to their overall well-being. In addition, the products have a patented Proline coating to dramatically improve lactic acid bacteria survival even when not refrigerated. Not having to refrigerate your probiotic makes them far more accessible, especially when there is no easy access to a fridge for storage.
The Elementelle Probiotics+ range has four unique products available for all ages in store with the entire range available online. The Priceline range includes Healthy Ageing, Brain & Cognition, Hair Skin Nails and Kids Immunity and Learning. The products use a series of clinically trialed and patented probiotics. The already popular range in Korea boasts an astonishing 1 in 3 people already switched on to Elementelle Probiotics+. The products target the key areas of health including sleep, brain cognition, hormonal balance, outer and internal health focusing on skin and the gut.
“We all want to be much healthier and happier.” Said John Kim, “and we have further products planned for launch later in the year including a collagen and kidney health range.”.
The Elementelle Probiotic+ range is available nationally in Priceline stores and online from today and retails from $26.20. To launch the range all purchases will go into a $50,000 product competition with weekly prizes of $1,000 up for grabs! For more information visit https://elementelle.com.au.