Coronavirus and The Brave New World of Creative Communications
At Little Train we have been saddened to see the effects of Coronavirus on employment and the industry we primarily work in: arts and entertainment, film and television and leisure. Just like our clients, we have been affected and know how it feels to all of a sudden have the doors shut on what was once a thriving community. We sincerely extend out thoughts to everyone at this time and offer the assurance that we are still open for business and that we will get through this together. We firmly believe that now is the perfect time to plan, and be ready for the new ‘normal’. In Australia, we have managed to effectively manage the spread of the virus through ISO and essentially ‘staying home and staying safe’.
For many, this way of working may have came as a shock, however for the Little Train team, we have always worked from a home office and as such our working environment has not changed nor our capacity to deliver results. As with all small businesses in good times our team has grown and when the economy has had a down turn – so too have we. What our ten years in business has shown us is that hard times don’t last, nothing lasts forever, there is always a new tomorrow and eventually you do reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
Whilst we primarily service the arts and entertainment, film and television and leisure sectors we have also worked with many clients from many different arena’s. This includes delivering marketing, strategy, media campaigns, branding, crisis management publicity, marketing materials, websites and more. We have worked with architects, interior designers, accountants, financial firms, consultants, real estate, technoloogy, the internet of things (IOT), environment, government, retail, beauty, lifestyle, fashion, engineers, automotovie, food and beverage and more.
We care about the Australian economy, we care about our community and how it has been affected. We do believe however, that things will return, not quite to what we have been used to – but to the new ‘normal’ where our marvellous humans will adopt, adapt and evolve to bigger and better things.
Finally, we would like to thank our front line workers doing the hard yards. Without your hard work – the future would be quite grim indeed.