Another Selection for “I Wanna Be Famous” the screenplay
It takes time to write a screenplay, to perfect the story and then to take it to the set to create the world. A great way of checking if you’re story is going to hit with the mark with audiences is by submitting that screenplay to festivals! While we have been in production (and waiting to get out of lockdown to finish filming) we have submitted I Wanna Be Famous to a number of festivals and have had the joy of actually being not only officially selected by also to have won and award! We just received news that we are a semi-finalist in the Hollywood Just4Shorts film festival. Thanks so much team. We can’t wait to get back on set and to finish this proof of concept television pilot so that we can release it on the festival circuit and showcase Melbourne in all it’s glory and also the talent our city has to offer! That makes four festivals who loved our screenplay, we are so grateful and can’t wait to share what we think is hilarious performances from our talent cast including the talented Stevie Lopez currently starring in La Brea on Paramount! Congratulations to Stevie on his awesome work in La Brea and watch this space for our super talented cast.